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Nicole Dimbu

Nicole Dimbu

Nicole Dimbu began her career in the Congolese media, more specifically in the written press. She then moved into broadcasting. In January 2005, she joined a private channel and hosted the programs Les figures de l’art plas-tique congolais and Lez’art, which enabled her to finance her studies at the Institut national des arts, where she studied cultural animation. Since 2011, Nicole Dimbu has been Managing Director of Luca’s Dream Agency, an audiovisual production agency, and a journalist and producer of maga-zines broadcast on various television channels in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2016, Nicole Dimbu launched Sperenza, a socio-cultural ma-gazine of which she is editor and manager.

Nicole Dimbu began her career in the Congolese media, more specifically in the written press. She then moved into broadcasting. In January 2005, she joined a private channel and hosted the programs Les figures de l’art plas-tique congolais and Lez’art, which enabled her to finance her studies at the Institut national des arts, where she studied cultural animation. Since 2011, Nicole Dimbu has been Managing Director of Luca’s Dream Agency, an audiovisual production agency, and a journalist and producer of maga-zines broadcast on various television channels in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2016, Nicole Dimbu launched Sperenza, a socio-cultural ma-gazine of which she is editor and manager.

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