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Dos carré collé  145x210  212 pages  Parution 27/02/2012  ISBN : 9782753901827

And if the outcome of the actual Foreign American policy was an endless series of conflicts and wars predicated on perceived threats rather than actual threats? Indeed, a year into his presidency, the security policy of the U.S., introduced by the previous Republican administration, does not seem to have undergone fundamental change under the U.S. President Barack Obama. On the contrary, the incumbent administration seems to have even adopted policies engineered and applied by its predecessor. Including the risks it represents. Welcome to the main international issues of a ten years old post-9/11 world.Dealing with the relationship between the U.S. and Iran, the sinking in Afghanistan, the nuclear issue posed by North Korea, the relationship between United States and Israel, the Pakistan and its nuclear arsenal, the Chinas Foreign policy and its new defense posture, the Start agreements between the U.S. and Russia, and questioning environmental issues, the specialist Nasser Zammit examines the whole year 2009 and gives a new look over the world.


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